Thursday, May 8, 2008

Democracy Day celebrated in Nigeria Today

Well no more a story that Nigeria celebrate it Democracy Day , in his Comment Lagos state Governor Raji Fashola said he want people to put more effort in doing agriculture. well it a good idea but let me tell you way out

1 Nobody is ready well they do not have access to good road

2 People we not support agriculture well they lack basis necessity of life
If federal government of Nigeria want his people to go to agriculture then he must ready to provide them with every good thing of life.because people will not work where they lack good thing of life that is why our urban town are jam pact everyday.

In a day more than million people wish to enter Lagos ,so it made it difficult for Lagos state to cater for them

In short please i am using this opportunity to tell Nigeria Government to please remember those that live in rural area that how we can have food security.

Grasscutter Busines made easy

Attention do you know that you can learn how to do grass cutter business by rearing in your house or house and you will be making your cool a big business. You will be making your cool money, i will supply you the kit online-send your e-mail to